The National Geographic Society along with IBM have launched the Genographic Project, a five-year effort to understand our place of origin and to better understand how we became so diverse. This project is to allow geneticists like Spencer Wells to prove that we all share common ancestors and that our orginal roots extend to African Ancestors. Our Genetic Markers, a DNA chain that remain laregly intact through the generations, can help them do just that.
Getting DNA will be kind of hard because of the mixed generations. They might not get the strongest DNA that orginated from one culture. This is why idigeneous groups are very important during the process of this project;Their ethnic and genetic identities are isolated. This is also why the timing of this project is important. If we would've started this later on the future there not might be any oringal DNA to really help confirm things. It's too bad that geneticists couldn't have done this earlier in the years. If they only had the correct technology and more information. I think that it would've been more successful because back in the day, our society wasn't as mixed up as it is now. But without the technology back then and the lack of original DNA in the future, what better time then to do it just now.We have enough of everything, to conduct a thorough research.
We can simply help with the project by consuming a Participation kit. One of the many things this kit carries is a swab kit. This is a painless procedure to take our DNA. You just simply to a cheek swab to acquire your DNA. Next you just mail your cheeck swab to one of the 10 labs around the world, wherever you are. After you can just go on the Genographic website and track your test kit and from there you are able to explore some of which are you earliest relatives.
# random thougths @
11:44 AM